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Story - Part of a series
Part 2: This page

When we were ready for the transfer, our doctor had to take a medical leave of absence (we still don’t know what happened to her). We were told there was no certainty about how long it would take but we could wait for her to return, or travel to Indiana were we could continue with the embryo transfer. After a couple of months with no news about our doctor, we decided to transport our embryos to the Indiana Fertility Institute to proceed with the treatment, starting with the female embryo that was definitely not a carrier for DMD.

The next step involved another round of medications during multiple weeks before the transfer, and injections during some days before and after the transfer. The day before the transfer we drove to Indiana, spent the night at a hotel and the following morning (January, 21st 2022) we went to the clinic to meet the doctor in person for the first time (we had only met him in a video call until that moment).

We didn’t really know what to expect, we were told to drink plenty of water to fill the bladder a bit but we overdid it! The doctor said some of the water needed to go (and we stressed out about it). After that everything went as expected, we went back to the hotel and spent the day there to rest. The valium that we had to take before the procedure wasn’t making any effect.


Partly joking we started talking about naming her Ivy (as in IVF…!), but it grew on us and it became our first option.

Two weeks later we got the result of the blood test, the pregnancy hormone was at 6.55 mIU/ml, way too low… we weren’t pregnant. It was a sad moment, we cried for a long while, she was our only female embryo that according to the screening was not a carrier of DMD.

That is how we said goodbye to Ivy.

Story - Part of a series
Part 2: This page